Much ado about nothing!
Despite media attempts to make a drama out of an everyday occurrence, tonight's high tide (6.2m) here in Newlyn, passed without incident - apart from all the ususal aspects of a very big spring tide where all hands are extra vigilant!
The Twilight III left her berth for another trip.
The relief Tyne Class, "Owen and Anne Aisher" 47-017 lifeboat made a dash through the gaps just after high water.
The Dom Bosco is now almost set for sea.
Meanwhile, both of this week's casualties are now safely alongside the quay and afloat.
Down came Oil Pollution Response Unit for a relatively small amount of fuel oil that was released in the harbour.
Unfortunately, the oil had other ideas and despite a new, larger oil boom the tiny slick headed off down the harbour ahead of the wind which had today backed almost southerly.
The remains of the slick hide away by the harbour offices!
Sad day for the Trewarveneth PZ196
Recently moved to the North Quay for repairs, the Trewarveneth PZ196 took water and failed to float.
Onlooking, ex-skipper Roger Nowell once held the port record with the Trewarveneth.
Harbour master Andrew Munson uses the Chickadee to tow the oil-boom around the sunken hull to contain a small amount of fuel oil that has leaked from the vessel.

The Trewarveneth spent the last few years of her working career as a gillnetter.
As one of the biggest spring tides for 50 years approaches all of the netter fleet are in port.
Now, safely moored against the fish market, the Ocean Harvester after she took water this morning on the North Quay - luckily the damage appears not to be too bad!
So what are the gulls so excited about?
Here is the freshest pollack to hit Newlyn market tonight!
Quentin Knights aboard Sea Spirit, proud owner of MSC tag 13 holds a gleaming line caught pollack.
and, here is a close-up Quentin's tag 13!
In order to maintain the highest quality for his customers, Quentin takes slush ice to sea in insulated bins.
Meanwhile, over the other side of the harbour, a yacht on the hard by the net lofts seems to be inhabited by some interestingly attired crew?!!
Fresh paint galore!
Out in the bay the fresh breeze is not bad news for all - on Sunday local windsurfers were out in force.
Can't be long before the Ripple gets wet?
The 'Dom Bosco' on the hard to get her sheathing and antifouling.
Beamr Saphire's new paint job gleams in the evening sun.
Out on the new pontoons, skipper/owner Twinkle takes time out to admire the skills of a dying art form - those of local signwriter Cyril Nicholas in action. stroke - maximum coverage.....
An artist's palette, oil paint, a mahl stick, a steady hand and a true eye - all that is needed. The bow of a trawler is no place for vinyl signs - which are largely replacing the signwriter's skills today.
Young Roger Nowell's new inshore stern trawler 'Imogen' gets her new numbers and name from master craftsman, Cyril Nicholas of Squirrel Signs. Cyril also takes commssions for signs, portraits ansd murals and can be contacted on 01736 787487.
The return of the Dom Bosco
After a hard day's graft the most effort required upon leaving your boat is a gentle stroll up the ramp from the new pontoon berths.
The new mooring berth for the lifeboat will result in an even faster response time to a shout. Presently, the Penlee boat is undergoing repairs which may even result in the replacement of a main engine.
The Dom Bosco will soon be back in action around the Wolf again.
The Barnabas is now looking for work - we hope she will soon be gainfully employed giving a wide range of people a taste of life aboard an 18th century fishing lugger.