If you visit the harbour today.......
Work continues as top crabber, Intuition undergoes a major refit.
Boxes from the Nova Spero wait on the quay to go back aboard the boat.
Badcock's Gallery are hosting their latest exhibition - 'Physicality' shows off work from the Fine Art Professional Develeopment Diploma Students.
Once you have enjoyed the fine art, why not avail yourself some refreshment and visit Newlyn's finest purveyor of fine ales and other stimulating beverages.
The loss of the Bugaled Breizh
The Bugaled Breizh was lost with all hands South of the Lizard on January 15 2004. A book has just been published (in French) which speculates that the vessel was lost as a result of involvement with a miilitary exercise in the area and not due to weather or fishing difficulties. See this Daily Telegraph review of the book.
Bugaled Breizh entering her home port of Loctudy in the early 1990s, below that is her catch on Loctudy market laid out for sale.
In previous years seen here entering Newlyn during a storm.
The first Bugaled Breizh owned by skipper Michelle Douce, one of the first Breton skippers to have this new class of steel, fully shelterdecked trawlers built in the early 1980s. She often fished for langoustines on the Smalls, Labadie and Jones' Banks in addition to bottom trawling for whitefish.
Surf's up two days running - weetabix boys!
Only waves being caught!
All quiet on the Saturday morning with most of the fleet tied up and, with no netters to land, no market.
Th only fish on the market, boxes of lesser spotted dogfish bait for the crabbers waiting to be picked up.
On the Sunday, local surfers took advantage of the heavy swell which, at times, produces an excellent wave running down the back of the North Quay.
Rippin' it up in the boneyard!