Saturday, 7 April 2007

Glorious Easter weekend weather

Things don't look too good aboard the Trewarveneth.....It's only Maurice busy with the gas axe taking care of the wheelhouse casing.

Grub and gas going aboard the Berlewen from Padstow.
And then its shifting to take ice.That's after Shaun has moved the Nova Spero - time those injectors were done Shaun!Over in Penzance harbour the angling boats start their summer season in flat calm conditions - nothing worse than a bunch of green anglers they say!
Badcock's Gallery has just opened its Easter showing of local artists.
Boy Danny has a day off this weekend - the harbour is like glass.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Meanwhile, over in St Ives harbour...

St Ives Harbour Master and ex-fisherman Stephen Bassett patrols a crowded Easter holiday harbourfront whilst discussing, it seems, the merits of a decent sized pasty. PZ1 heads for th fish market to pick up a few more pots.

Aboard the Imogen, 'young' Roger Nowell takes ice before he and Joe Crow head off for the grounds off the Scillies.Mojo Marine's, Mac Johns wields an angle grinder as work continues on the destruction of the Trewarveneth. There's every chance that the Swordfish Inn (background) will see the boys at lunchtime for a break.
Harbourmaster Andrew Munson looks on and acknowledges the "end of an era" - the Trewar', the first of several W&S vessels that have contributed for half a century to the making of the port as it is today to be scrapped.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Easter rush to market

Under the watchful eye of the office, WS & Sons ex MFV Trewarveneth enters the final days of her life in the port.

Mr Johns warms up the chainsaw to demolish the wheelhouse.

Won't take long to fill the skip!
Under the shelterdeck the gas torch illuminates proceedings.
Early season yacht on the way in through the gaps.
Brixham beamer, BM361 Barentszee lands to a waiting lorry.
Also in is the Plymouth based Admiral Grenville.

Margaret of Ladram from Exeter comes astern alongside the iceworks berth.
Todays high water times.

Monday, 2 April 2007

High water

Concarneau registered Kerleven on the North quay. The original skipper pair-trawled for tuna with the Bugaled Breizh (patron Michelle Douce) at one time. It seems that getting crew in Briattany is an issue same as here - le vieux patron Jean Eve is back aboard at 72!
Classic boat, Lizzie May has popped round from Falmouth.
The Trewarveneth's days are numbered, an empty skip awaits the broken ship, a far cry from the day she held the port record under a very youthful skipper, one Roger Nowell.

Anchor seiner Crossby, from Grimsby lays astern of the Tewarveneth.Over the other side of the harbour refrigerated transport, also from Grimsby and worth considerably more than the MFV Crossby, waits for her load of fish from tomorrow's market alongside the iceworks.
A sign of the times - no kidding, so harbours are dangerous places!
How many turns have been taken round these bits and by whom?
View through the wheelhouse window of the Crossby.
Good to see a Cornish chough in the harbour!
In one view: a wartime MFV come trawler, come liner, laid up for twenty years, come netter; a modern steel Breton trawler, a handful of GRP punts, the Chickadee and the Lisa, wooden punts with heritage.