Cornwall Sea Fisheries, St Piran steams out on duty
Black-back gull gets greedy with a whole crab!
Looks comfortable.
St Piran steams away on patrol.
View from the driving seat.
With the gearbox in bits on the deck preparations are being made for the main engne to come out on Tuesday evening. However, where there's smoke there's .......
Terry hard at it!
Now he's mastered the art of right-handed threads, Clive can now change the gas bottles!
Busy enough, but traditionally Wednesday's are not the best day for the export market!
You saw her steaming in on last night's blog - here are some of Harvest reaper's John Dorys!
Top quality line caught Bass from the Blythe Spirit.......
...iced and labelled.
Stevenson's Lisa Jacqueline and Jannie En Klaas both had good trips of fish on the market this morning
It's a mystery!
Punt Treen on the way to the market.
W S beamers line the North pier.
Visiting tug Charoc.
Too much haste!
Belfast motor yacht, Dream On leaves the pontoons.......
......and heads off towards the Mount.
Looks good and true now, but a few hours ago..........
.....despite being three years old the Jacoba's scallop beam came up in two halves, a clean fracture around the entire beam that looked as if it had been cut!
Resurgan's hull job is nearly complete.
Visitor from Brixham, the beamer, Three Sons.
Harvest Reaper makes her way in through the gaps.
Latest blogger on the Seafish site, David Pascoe on the Little Pearl lands behind the Jersey crabber, Pen Glas
Olly's looking cheerful in the side deck for a change.
Newlyn Ice Company, in the black.
Dolphins off Newlyn Harbour, Mounts Bay.
Two dolphins escort the Adella in to the gaps.
The pair just seem to be enjoying themselves!
Jumping for joy ist seems!
On the Bryan D, all that's left on the deck - the winch casing.
Gear time on the George Johannes, 'Rockets' in the stern keeps busy.
Another bent beamer derrick
The prettiest punt in the port - varnish still looks good!
Chloe T, look closely and you'll see the bend in the derrick.
A loory load of scrap and more to come from the Bryan D.
Sunday landing means the fish goes by lorry up the quay.
Terry busy with his torch...
and not so busy at croust - check out the junk food on the stool, obviously shopping for snack food these days with the better-half away over in Canada - won't be long before he joins her - at least then he'll be back in with the sandwiches!
An over exuberant Terry the torch forces some swift action from Clive on fire watch!
Sparks are still flying down the engine room!
A daily reminder in front of the office window as the next W S boat is scrapped.
Last cut before the galley top comes off.
Away she goes!
Paint-up time on the Dom Bosco.