Whats the connection between the George Johannes and the Cesca?
Like a scene reminiscent of Hitchcock's, The Birds hundreds of starlings head for an unusual roosting spot every evening underneath the Buccaneer Shell Shop outside Penzance wet dock. Observant boat watchers will have spotted the boat in the shot is the Rowse family's ex-crabber Stereden va Bro, gutted by fire several years ago and now rebuilt as a classic sail boat....
in a flat calm, a heavy swell in the harbour - a scene you won't get on the East coast...
Fresh & Freeze Cornish Sardine insulated tubs wait alongside the transport.....
ahead of the ChloeT, the George Johannes has both sets of gear in the air....
and by the look of the the twine and dolly rope waiting on the quay, Nigel and the boys are not finished yet......
ahead of them, there is some serious 'reparations', as they say in France, going on aboard the Lisa Jacqueline....
though the painter obviously went home early....
the beamers make a dramatic show in the dusk.....
as do the shore lines.....
more unfinished painting, this time aboard the ChloeT...
last but not least, the answer to the question heading up the post is Milford - as in Milford Mike ex-skipper of the George Johannes and Milford, which is where TO50, the Cesca is bound on Sunday as she is off to a new owner and home!
Not good news for Lisa from London who is a big fan of the Cesca!
What will replace her in the Rowse fleet?
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