It must be a flat calm out there!
Heading back to her pontoon berth, Elizabeth Veronique turns past the end of the new quay....
there's a lttle bit of Essex in the port today......
after landing another superb shot of line caught pollack, the Sea Spray takes fuel.......
another casualty of the fog, what looks like a House Martin that spent several exhausted days aboard the inshore trawler Katie Clare.....
always a fine site on the market, a gleaming box of best Bay bass....
pollack from the Sea Spray present a golden gleam under ice
another artistic creation from the crab boys....
supervised from the wheelhouse with a fresh mug of tea......
the dive charter boat, Evert Maartje languishes at anchor in the hazy sun and still waters of the Bay...
waiting for the fuel man to arrive, inshore trawlers Nantewas and the Cathryn....
after a long morning on the market it's time to head back to the paint store for a cuppa....
the beamers consume vast amounts of wire, their new warp comes from Holland.....
on the market this morning, under the watchful gaze of Robert George, Cornwall Seafood Cornwall Quality Advisor, Nathan from the CFRC gets the reality of fishing message across to a visiting group of degree students from the Combined Universities of Cornwall campus at Falmouth. Hopefully, these surfing students will get a better understanding of the complex world of the oceans they enjoy so much and be better informed as a result of their visit - keep up the good work Nathan!....
seems it's not just the gulls that are getting it together and nesting at this time of year.....
in case you missed the shipping forecast at six this morning, here's a sure sign the weather has shed its winter topcoat and the sea state resembles glass, Cornwall Sea Fisheries Protection vessel, the aptly named Terrifier, sorry, Verifier makes her way towards the gaps and out on patrol.......
at last the fuel man has turned up, with the news that it is 2p more a litre today!
yet another birthday in the town.
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