Friday, 26 September 2008
Grimmy Mike's one-man over-quota dumping scandal gets a mention from Scottish MEP Struan Stevenson in an address at a Fisheries Summit meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland yeasterday. At the moment, Mike's boat is laid-up with rudder problems so there's no free fish for local pensioner's this week!
Post Office provides al-fresco dining for the patrons of the Star

65 and out

Thursday, 25 September 2008
Early birds get the shots

on the pontoons, the ex-Salcombe Watson class lifeboat has been joined the Tyne class all-weather boat from Bibby in Yorkshire.
Visitors welcome!

along the rode the gallery is now sporting a new flag pole to atract viewers.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Another Newlyn waterboy wins an award - but this time it's not for fishing
Yet another Newlyn Bucca scoops an award - this time it's the turn of globe-trotting surf photographer Mickey Smith, who has just won the prestigious British Isles Surfing Hotshot Photographer award at this year's Surfstock festival - read more here. He's kept good company over the years with other recognisable names from the local quayside - check out the connection between this vessel that once provided a living from marine salvage for the old man of fellow surfer Jack Johns.
It's a scalloper thing

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
Autumnal equinox brings out the best in the weather

and its time to scrub down the Lowestoft registered, Sea Spray after landing her shot of line caught pollack.