To let and vacant
Over in Penzance an Ex-Danish anchor seiner is looking spruce under the morning sun......
and at this time of year the tourists have a wide range of maritime adventures they can take advantage of.....
there are still luxury flats available to let or buy in the wharfside complex - maybe the developers would benefit from the harbour being equipped with dock gates on the inner harbou so that a small marina could be created........
especially as the chances of a buyer being found for the dry dock are looking increasingly unlikely......
Penzance wet dock is busy enough at this time of year........
looks like the end is nigh for the Roseland as Clive and his tools move in......
the modern day equivalent of walking the plank aboard a beamer.........
Mr Praed continues with the repairs.......
as Mount's Bay Engineering take delivery of a heavy duty marine motor.........
first time at sea overnight for the Ripple, currently anchored off the back of the quay.
Forty days and forty nights, surely not
Seems the heavy showers forecast are likely to be worse than expected......
back from Penzance Dock, Britannia IV in through the gaps.....
a truck load of frames to make up, more than a day's work for one of the crabbers......
a study of curves from the masterful hand of Girvan boat builder Alexander Noble, the line of the planks in the hull matches that of the bow wave......
as she traverses the liquid gold found in Newlyn harbour......
two of the Cornish Sardine boats wait for the evening call......
TN Trawlers, Philomena, uses a springer to pull the bow away from her ice works berth
she might only be 20 odd feet in length but she dwarfs the fuel tanker on the quay, the Lyonnesse with her cargo of insulated tubs.
Weather cock looks lost
Hydraulic power for the tuna lines on the Ben Loyal........
for many years, the only source of traditional fish and chips in Newlyn......
the only chicken safe in Newlyn Meadery, famous for its warm, friendly family atmosphere and chicken in the basket - kids love it as you get to eat with your fingers - cutlery supplied on request.......
breakfast spottted......
bright and sunny selling for naked knees.......
Coastal bulk carrier Aspet at anchor off Battery Rocks......
Nick Praed's live-aboard has moved across to Newly for bottom scrub and other waterline repairs......
with the obligatory water-filled oil drums to list her in to the quay for when she drys out
Arnie hurls, and this time its the stern line of the Nellie.....
another visitor makes her way to the gaps......
with nowhere to go, the Roseland is the next boat in the fleet to be broken up, unless someone out there wants to preserve another historic ex-Admiralty MFV and piece of maritime history.......
waiting for the next customer for the slip, Pete Downing looks towards the James RH.....
high on the bow. ex-Penzance Dry Dock man Mick can't bear to look as the James nudges the slip cradle.......
Zac at full tilt as his boat is about to leave her mooring.......
thoughtfully provided local news and information for visiting yachts - to be found at the end of the pontoon gangway......
the algae just loves these warm damp conditions.......
an aspirational punt.
Scalloper capsizes off the west coast of Scotland - three men lost.
High water
Good to see the tuna boat Ben Loyal looking more even-keeled now her port-side pole or tangon, as the French call them, is now back in place - check the Nova Spero's blog for the latest entry with skipper Edwards back in command......
now there's some serious looking picture-making kit slung over the shoulder.......
even got their own yacht it seems.......
the art of sculling.......
as befitting some of the more traditional boats moored in the old harbour......
and those that struggle to stay afloat at high water on a big spring.......
and so it seems........
though this shoal of harbour mullet seem to be getting fatter in this weather.......
seems there is nothing you cannot buy online these days......
still a good breeze keeps the flags on the prom looking good for the visitors.
Stone bass
It's not just a rumour then......
buyers queue up for the Ajax's hake.......
and think about going for some of the porbeagle sharks......
from the Charisma, a good run of stone bass, a fish very popular in Roman cuisine as we know from the world's earliest celebrity chef, Apicius' cookbook.....
an expensive dropped box of fish in the harbour......
looks like Mousehole Harbourmaster Edwin is getting in some early morning practice for this year's tug of war at the Raft Race.....
the Silvery Sea is smokin'........
classic lines on a classic boat, the Lyonesse from Falmouth......
it takes three tankers fill the Olivia Jean.......
seems he's been at the oil again.
Stranger on the shore, well aground
Poles at the ready, its sailing day for the Nova Spero......
while all hands keep an eye on the harbour's tide clocks.....
aboard the St Malo registered, Alexandra aground in the middle of the harbour......
a Sunday sailing for the Scillonian III......
well weathered flags take the fresh westerly breeze aboard this yacht in the dock.....
make for ideal sailing conditions for the lugger Happy Return......
there's some heavy duty anchors in the stern of the lifting boat Cameron......
bow on view and the working end of the work boat.
Alexandra misjudges water under her.

St Malo registered Alexandra sits aground, the crew make use of the time and repair one of her trawls.
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