Skiing in Dubai - how much oil?!!
Barbican Cafe, opposite Penzance Dock, a cool place to eat when the sun is high in the sky.....
one day Penzance will boast a proper ferry terminal where the cars and coaches do not cause chaos on the roadside as prospective passengers disembark.....
visiting scalloper in pillar box red........
major fuel pump problems meant that both sets of gear had to be dropped on the sea bed, after an 80 mile tow behind the Resurgan (for a change), the Trevessa IV makes the final leg of her journey on the end of a short line from the Chickadee......
George carefully brings the Trevessa round the end of the quay, where it looks like a little maintenance work is required of the floating fenders.......
looking chuffed and so he should be, two bass in as many minutes inside the harbour - you're fishing the wrong spot Mr Gruzelier!.........
Nova Spero, back home after the latest tuna trip and still a long way short of the big numbers needed for a top season, its been a tough one this year and the boats will be hoping that it is just a one-off down to the weather and all those other factors that make fishing what it is, an art not a science.......
when in doubt, get the hammer out.......
or just lift it out the way.......Footnote:
For anyone who thought some methods of fishing made extravagant use of natural oil resources take a look at what it costs to provide skiing facilities in the middle of the desert.
Mist 'n mizzel
The final crushing moment for what remains of the Roseland's bow.......
a classic wooden yacht arrives and the crew immediately take time out to admire the Cameret crabber in the berth next door.....
a seriously beamy yacht.....
its back to the aluminium for the shelterdeck of the Harvest Reaper......
now Nigel's clubbing days appear to be over, the ever-popular the Boatshed restaurant is looking spruce these days.......
Landing kit, wax crayon, fish tallies and a pair of gloves.......
easy to see why this is a gilthead bream - a great favourite of Roman cuisine thanks to the recorded recipes of Apicius - suggested sauce for this fish: combine pepper, lovage, caraway, oregano, rue berry, mint, myrtle berry, egg yolk, honey, vinegar olive oil, wine and fish stock heated......
not often a yacht is seen anchored off the prom for the night......
this week sees a collection of bigger yachts including the liveaboard ex-crabber L'aurore from Cameret......
the Imogen has been making sure that the restaurant trade has plenty of squid available......
more below the waterline work on the Stevenson fleet, this time the replica lugger Children's Friend gets a fresh coat, and there is plenty to do aboard the recently returned Highlander if she is to see some action on the sardines this season.......
Newlyn based guide to allthings of interest Inside Cornwall has a feature on Kristin Vestgard showing at Badcock's gallery........
lucky for some in skip world.......
and why wouldn't you?.........
transport queues in the lorry park.
Terry O'Neil leaves town this weekend
BM100 goes through the gear after landing.......
won't be too long before the Danicka's back in the water and sitting on a mooring in Mousehole Harbour.....
three very different vessels in the Bay.......
just turning for the gaps.......
heading for home at the end of another day scrapping......
like the skeletal maw of some deep-sea fish, the Roseland's bow has been stripped of its planks.....
last chance to catch this fascinating photographic show at the PZ Gallery........
spotted at anchor out in the Bay......
could be a scene somewhere in the Caribbean, but it is the Lovis, originally built as a two-masted steam ship in the Baltic, she now ply's her trade as an educational and/or environmental research vessel, currently in the middle of a voyage that will take her from Riga to Tallin.
Secretary of state, Hilary Benn makes an early visit to Newlyn
Beautifully kept local boats provide a colourful scene at the fish market berths......
the Rowney makes her way to land......
as skipper Phil Mitchell heads the Sowenna back to the islands.....
the BBC Radio Cornwall OB team wait to do their spot on visiting government minister Hilary Benn who talked to fishermen earlier in the morning on the market.....
Catch a crab if you can.
As with any story reported in the media it is not always easy to pin-point the facts that give rise to the full story or true picture. Take this report in the Western Morning News regarding the catching of crabs. With Spain sufferiing more than most in the present economic climate an immediate consequence has been a softening of the market for crabs and other valued species that would normally find ready markets across the water.