In honour of Keith Flod, fine food, fine wine, fine friends

Follow the ups and downs of Newlyn, England's largest fishing port, 80 species of premium line, trawl, net and pot caught fish and shellfish are landed daily. Top London chefs like Tom Aikens source MSC accredited Pollack, Bass, Sardines and Mackerel. Photography - digital images from stock or commissioned to order. Art students are encouraged to use the harbour as inspiration for their work as did the Newlyn School of Artists - Laurence Hartwell
Here follows one person's recollection of the great man on watching an episode from 'Floyd's Fjiord Adventures':
"I suppose I should rephrase this but this is an email I sent to friends back in the UK (I'm in Singapore and saw him on some strange late night channel) after the topic of food cropped up.....
"On the topic of food...... I've just had the joy of watching Keith Floyd.
And it is joy
Compared to the poe faced Heston Blumenthal or ranting Ramsey watching 'Floyd's Fjord Adventures' is a orgy of pleasures. I caught the end of the episode where he's cooking at a Swedish crayfish festival. A barely coherent Keith has clearly been enjoying himself already so cooks an enormous pot of crayfish so endangered you can only catch them one day a year. The stock - probably similar in composition to Keith's own blood stream - is beer and a litre of aquavit. Each bottle is just chucked away into the darkness off camera as the even drunker Swedes sing songs behind him. Adding the live crayfish to the stock Keith has some words of comfort for those concerns about animal welfare, "For those who don't understand why the crayfish have to be live.... tough. It's just the way it is" At the end the delicious looking crayfish are put on a serving plate with about a pound of butter (James martin would love that) plonked on the top.
Rather superfluously Keith's voice adds at the end "Think I might go off and join them for slurp of something now". And to help your mental image, Keith has done all of this wearing a yellow fez!
A true TV legend"