Saturday, 14 November 2009
Surf's up at Newlyn's graveyard for the brave

Friday, 13 November 2009
Trois chalutiers de la Bretagne en Newlyn abri de la tempête.

Like Newlyn, Loctudy and other Breton ports have gone through a heavy decommissioning programme.
The web site for the local Breton paper, Le Télégramme very usefully gives the landing and sailing information for the fishing fleet, port by port. One day Newlyn will catch up.
Winds gust over 70mph at Land's End
Green & Black

Thursday, 12 November 2009
Its a good year for Polgoon cider and sparkling wine
As the season draws to a close the vines provides a spectacular display of autumnal tones, as rich as the wine they produce. The award winning sparkling raspberry flavoured Polgoon Aval is available along with the vintage Polgoon Aval. Bottles of dry, still cider can also be bought.
Enjoy a colourful tour of Polgoon Vineyard at the end of the summer growing season.
St Georges slays the king of fish

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Fancy a tasty pizza topping to tickle the taste buds?
However, where the elusive little anchovy is concerned its a case of, 'go East for a feast'! At around £2,000 per ton even a small boat can earn some serious moolah of an evening. When it comes to local Brixham boy Dave Hurford with his 17.8m pelagic trawling machine Constant Friend however, things look very different - here he is with a fishroom almost full of the little silver fish - that's a serious number of pizza toppings in the offing! Local Kingswear Chef Mitch Tonks can't get enough of them! Of course, these little fish are extremely shy and show a real reluctance to put in an appearance on a regular basis - though a few years ago the skipper of one of the boats was spotted in Newlyn passing slowly by in a new BMW - shouting out, the admirer queried the driver's apparent sudden solvency and was given a one word response - "anchovies"!
At this time of year the waters off Brixham generally come alive with a showing of other riches - Cuttlefish - or black gold as they are known in the port. Cuttlefish love eating anchovy eggs so the two species are linked very closely within the food chain and exemplify the method by which stocks are assessed - a case of fecundity and viability - the success with which they breed matched against their ability to survive - it's a numbers game.
For years, Breton fishermen have used the same approach within their fishing operations - all the prawn trawlers from the ports of Douarnenez, Saint Guenole, Guilvenec, Loctudy and Concarneau share their fishing information. As the prawns come on or take off the boats share the news, this can result in an entire fleet shifting from the Smalls to the Labadie Bank overnight - by doing so all the boats get to share the best fishing and in turn, over the course of time, they are on average much better off than if they operated independently - it's a numbers game - statistically proven.
Mizzly weather

Monday, 9 November 2009
MSC update
MSC assessment status:
Read the latest bulletin from the MSC, Bristol Channel Ray assessment.The certification body, Moody Marine Ltd, has announced that the Bristol Channel ray fisheries have entered full assessment. Initially Moody Marine seeks to open a dialogue with all organisations or individuals with a direct interest in the fishery.
Anyone wishing to provide comments or information to the assessment process (relevant to the status of the stock, ecosystem interactions or fishery management practices) is invited to contact Jim Andrews.
Refer to the downloads section for further details.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Fresh Northerly breeze before a few days calmish weather