The coldest Saturday winter morning for years greets Mounts Bay.

at this time of year the IOS helicopter service runs flat out as a flurry of holiday makers, residents and relatives ply back and forth.
Follow the ups and downs of Newlyn, England's largest fishing port, 80 species of premium line, trawl, net and pot caught fish and shellfish are landed daily. Top London chefs like Tom Aikens source MSC accredited Pollack, Bass, Sardines and Mackerel. Photography - digital images from stock or commissioned to order. Art students are encouraged to use the harbour as inspiration for their work as did the Newlyn School of Artists - Laurence Hartwell
The certification body, MRAG Americas Inc, has proposed two peer reviewers for the review of the Draft Cornish sardine, UK Assessment Report.
If you wish to provide feedback on the proposed peer reviewers, please contact Dr. Robert Trumble no later than the 28th December 2009.
Read all about the review in detail here.The BBC gave some quota figures for caching area around the coast and also commented on one of the innovative ways in which boats miught be incentivised - install CCTV to record what comes aboard and what goes back over the rail.The regional paper Western Morning News covered the story in more detail through Kate Ironside's blog posting, "Fishermen's Friend or Big Brother"